

Lampu Jalanan.
Patung Besar Jalanan.

halo, today i went to my vice-president's party. the place is soo far, so we could see Jakarta, i meant, the other places in Jakarta that i haven't been. i took some photos when we're on the way.. up there, are the photos i took.
tee hee !



gahhh tgif so sorry for not posting at a time. i've been grounded for a week (kerjaan gw selama di hukum is just reading my new novel!) and....ga boleh nyentuh laptop pun. selagi today is friday, gw main laptop aja deh it's my free-day. hari ini Shera ga masuk gara2 dia hari ini go to Bali until like...Sunday. di tambah Afif nggak masuk, betapa sepi nya hari ini??? tapi tenang.....banyak kejadian seru juga lho hari ini! ada permainan baru ama si Putra dan Riko..yes, i mean reallllly awesome!, terus di beberapa pelajaran tuh banyak yang kosong gitu jadwalnya! wow!!!!!, teruuus.....hmmmh oiya lidinya enak2 hahaha. hari ini pulang sekolah gw sama Salsa Cynthia Khalisha main ke rumah Karisha, tapi karna gw sama Salsa langsung barengan Karisha, kita nyampe duluan, Cynthia bareng sama Khalisha karena malemnya dia mau nginep di rumah Khalisha, sedangkan Khalisha mau ke saloooooon dulu gitu deh. terus pertama gw sama Salsa Karisha sampe rumah Karisha bareng nyokapnya Karisha, terus kita makan siang dulu, abis itu main2 ga jelas di kamar Karisha, terus kan kita bosen, coba cek keluar gitu sekitar sore pas jam 3an gitu, kita cek ke kolam renang dan ternyata itu bersih banget! (jadi kan Karisha tuh rumahnya kayak di hometown gitu, nah pas di sebelah kiri rumahnya itu ada tempat kolam renang umum gitu, umum=buat se-hometownnya. gw sama Salsa udah bingung entar buat baju gantinya gimana soalnya kan ga bawa baju ganti abis itu underwearnya juga nanti pasti basah banget. untung Karisha mau minjemin boxer sama kaos buluk hahauhua. seru abis deh, kita main donald bebek, lomba berenang dan cari batu di kolam renang, eh tau2 pas jam 5an gitu Khalisha sama Cynthia dateng gitu haha. Khalisha dengan her new-good-looking hair, sedangkan Cynthia ganti baju dan langsung nyebur. seru sih. tapi lama2 gw cape hahahah! pas jam setengah 6, ternyata supir gw udh dateng, ga mungkin banget gw pulang saat itu juga, gw bilang aja "bentar ya pak, baru selesai berenang." gitu. ke atas, kita langsung mandi together hahah, udah gitu keringin daleman gw, Salsa, Cynthia, terus main internet, online msn ganti2an, makan malem, cerita2 ga jelas, terus tiba2 Salsa di jemput gitu. terus apa ya...oiya tiba2 si piggie nelfon gitu pake nomer rumahnya gitu kayanya, abis gw kan belom tau nomer rumahnya, ya udah gw tanya "hmm ini siapa?" ehhhh taunya si piggie!!!! hahaha bentar doang tapi huhu. abis ituuu......Karisha Khalisha foto2....terus gw juga nelfon piggie bentar gitu abis bosen hehe, abis itu nyokap sms sms mulu nyuruh pulang, ya udah deh males di marahin mending gw pulang aja hahaha. okay, btw i miss Shera & Afif, especially Sheraw..


Photoshoot V

Today I played at Shera's house. we planned to doing A photoshoot. first time together. let's see if it's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

(1) grey shirt: pull and bear.
grey cropped pants: pull and bear.
(2) grey short dress: M.
(1) Rolling Stones Tee: Junk Food, Shera's.
Black Skirt: Real.
(2) Flora Dress: All That Gayy, my big sister's.


Best Day Ever!!!!!

Okay, i am so happy today.
first, i got a new one.
second, we (my friends and I) played at Suci's house, and it's really fun!
third, the last day of Block Exam 1.

but something bad happened to me: kaki luka luka ampe darah kering gara gara Cynthia.

it's soooo fun, we swam at Suci's house, we made A Video, we chit chat with Suci's Father, we watched DVD, and when we're on the way to Khalisha's house to drop Amy, we sat on top of the car window and screamed "BRAJAMUSTI!!!'' out loud. hahahahah it's so fun!

Suci's father is so kind and fun. he gave us tricks and made us shocked with what he did!
his father is famous, everybody called him "aa Gatot" but we girls called him "babe" or "om". hahaha. i just can't forget this day. best day ever <3


Photoshoot IV

Got stress 'cos of the exams, got an idea makin' a new simple Photoshoot of myself.

today's theme is Black 'n' White.

White black-stripes Shirt: ÉPRISE, my big sister's.
Black white-dots Skirt: REAL.
White Shoes: Z, my big sister's.
(+) Black Fedora Hat: Blue SeaHorse.


first time.

Since I have nothing to do, I drew A picture of myself using the computer's Photoshop. this is my first time!!!

(take a closer look by clicking the picture!)
it's a picture of me. this is one of the picture i drew. i know, it's doesn't look like me.
but what the hell, i love it. i'm proud of myself! woohoo !


Photoshoot III

"Ageless beauty
Cruelty makes it's holes
But on the shoreline
Time will hold it's promise 
We will always be a light
You can see it from the surface, see it"
 -Stars(Ageless Beauty)

One day with my Little Sister,Dama, we opened our wardrobe and pick some of the goodies for photoshoot.
at first, i planned only Dama who's gonna take some photoshoot. but later on, i joined her doing some photoshoot.
here's some of our experiment photoshoot i've made.

my grey tee - ZARA
zebra legging - from bandung
red flats - from her friend
black fedora hat - my big sister's
(her long skirt she made into a mini dress) - Gymboree
orange hoodie - Country Road, Australia
soft pink minnie tee - DisneyLand Hongkong store
mini checkered skirt - from my mum
pink thin shirt - from my mum
black legging - traditional market
pink sport jacket - Nike Air, my big sister's